A community supported not-for-profit socio-cultural association


Path C Mentor Intake Form

The goal of BFU-USA in PATHWAYS Path C is aimed at leveraging the great human resources we have to provide mentorship to the next generation of Bui students in Cameroon for scholarship excellence and access to graduate school education in the U.S or the Western World.

Eligibility for Mentors: Were you a recipient of a fellowship, graduate assistance, a Fulbright Scholarship, or some other form of funding that got you out of Cameroon for further studies here in the US or in the Western World? Are you interested in mentoring the next generation of Bui students for a successful navigation of and access to scholarships and graduate education opportunities in the US? Information is our greatest commodity and your passion to get our children to leverage the immense resources available for success in graduate school would make the greatest impact in their lives.

If your response is YES to the questions above, THANK YOU!! Please fill the mentor intake form to get started: